- Indications & contra-indications
- Post selection
- Custom made post Vs Pre-fabricated metal & Fibre-post
- Latest Post cementation materials & techniques
- Latest Core build up materials
- Case Presentations followed by live demonstrations
- & multiple hands- on on
- post-space preparation,
- prefabricated post – trial,
- post cementation & core build up
- Custom made post pattern resin
- & wax pattern fabrication
- Case selection
- Maintainance of biological width
- CLP with or without alveoloplasty
- Surgical CLP & Laser CLP
- Esthetic crown lengthening
- discussion followed by a live surgical procedure demonstration for an easy step –by-step guide from the General dentists point of view.
- Tooth supported overdentures
- Indications – Case selection
- Overdenture types
- How to give fixed-removable dentures to
- CD patients without dental implants !
- Ball and socket attachments – how to fix them!
- Overdenture step-by-step fabrication PI to DD
- The costs & the armamentarium involved! Scientific presentation followed by demonstrations.
- Limited batch
Maecenas facilisis tellus metus, sed lacinia ipsum sollicitudin in. Pellentesque in tincidunt augue. Fusce ullamcorper vestibulum mauris non volutpat. Fusce ac tellus quis neque egestas aliquet in ac ipsum. Phasellus ac hendrerit risus. Nullam porta fermentum lectus. Mauris ornare vulputate tortor, eget ullamcorper dolor ullamcorper ac.
Fusce ac tellus quis neque egestas aliquet in ac ipsum. Phasellus ac hendrerit risus. Nullam porta fermentum lectus. Mauris ornare vulputate tortor, eget ullamcorper dolor ullamcorper ac.
- 830am to 5 pm
- Registration fee : Rs.3000/- before 30th august, Rs. 4000/- After 30th august
- Incl. of Breakfast,
- lunch,High Tea,
- Course Materials, certificate, 1 metal post, 1 fibre post, free registration for 1 day dental practice management workshop 25th october 2015
- Call 079 26766166 or
- email : ivoriesdentalclinic@gmail.com for further details
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipising elit, seddiam nonummy nibh euismod tincint ut laoreet dolore magna aliqua volutpatt wisi enim ad minim venia, quis nostr. Ud exerci tation lam corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo conseq. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipising elit, sed diam nonummyh euismod tincint ut laoreet dolore magna.
Fusce ac tellus quis neque egestas aliquet in ac ipsum. Phasellus ac hendrerit risus. Nullam porta fermentum lectus. Mauris ornare vulputate tortor, eget ullamcorper dolor ullamcorper ac.